The biggest pleasure of genealogy - coming across other genealogists! Unfortunately when genealogy is your full time hobby, the vast majority of people in your tree are no longer around to help you.
One of my great-grandfather's was named Joe. He came from a huge family, with at least 9 siblings! He had an older sibling, Morris, who moved to America at a young age. All of Morris' siblings sent him photos in the mail, which Morris stored and passed down.
After my DNA test, and also a DNA test of one of my grandparents, we have found a grandchild of Morris, who has sent me so many wonderful photos, including of my great-grandparents, great-great-aunts and uncles, plus amazing portrait photos of my great-great-grandparents.
Now that I had more than 120 photos, I knew I had to reunite them with the descendants of my great-grandfather's siblings. I took it upon myself to find the names, search then, and it all got a bit too much very quickly!
I ended up creating a private Facebook group, created albums and added all of these newly found relatives. As I write this, we now have 67 members, which I am super proud of!
