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I’m a cyber security professional, an advanced amateur genealogist and a thinker. Every project I’ve taken on was guided by my curiosity and diligence. I will be using this space to showcase my current and past work, to detail upcoming plans and to showcase what I do.


From Tapes to Time Capsules: Saying Farewell to The Scannery
The film strip on our story has reached its end, and what a rewind-worthy one it's been! Back in 2020, with VHS tapes yearning for a...

The Dawn of a New Era: The Synergy of DNA Testing, Genealogy, and Artificial Intelligence
In the realm of science, the weaving together of DNA testing, genealogy and the emerging technology of artificial intelligence (AI) is...

Scan, Secure and Share Your Digital Archives
So you have digitised your archives - well done, what an immense task! Now you want to share them with your family, maybe some friends...

The Scannery
In 2019, I took my full time hobby of genealogy one step further and started to digitise my family archives - cine film, VHS tapes,...

My great-grandma tells us about her 2021?
In an cupboard unopened for many years, boxes of camcorder tapes from the 1990s. Among them, my great-grandparents various birthdays, my...

Where Do You Find Old Family Photos?
Ancient family photos are like gold, but way better in my option. Those moments when you come across the photo of an ancestor you've...

DNA companies - which do I go for?
There is no easy answer to this. There are three main DNA companies to test with, and I've done them all indivudually. Here's the order I...

Journey to the End - 29 November 1941
Life for Jews in Germany wasn't always bad but it's been heavily tainted by the events of The Holocaust. I'd like to talk about two of my...

The German Who Hid My Great-Grandfather
My grandad is Peter, his twin brother is George and their parents were Margot and Frank Sommerfeld. They lived in Berlin. They had...

The Best Free Genealogy Tool
Genealogists are an amazing, warm and kind community. We all try to help one another wherever possible. I started my genealogy journey...

Reuniting a 1935 Nazi-German Jewish Passport
In late October 2020, my wife-to-be Rebekah saw a Facebook post in a local group about a 1935 Nazi-Germany Jewish passport found in the...

Lockdown Family Reunion
The biggest pleasure of genealogy - coming across other genealogists! Unfortunately when genealogy is your full time hobby, the vast...

2020 Vision
What will 2020 be remembered for? Coronavirus. Covid-19 has very sadly been added to my family tree for two people. The Husband of a...

Digitising Your Family Archives
If you ask most that old scenario about if their house is burning down and there is only time to grab one thing, what would it be?...

How DNA Helped Me
The most important part of DNA tests is who else does them. Without this, you have nothing to compare with. I first saw my results in...

1941: Journey Through My Ancestors' Hell
Throughout my research, 1941 stands out to me the most to have been the most terrible year for my ancestors. Murder, the Holocaust, the...

How My Genealogy Journey Started
The purpose of this blog is to help people with how to pursue both DNA matches, follow family tree lines, to talk about my genealogy...
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